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foundinggide partners map
  1. Establish coordination among global open bioimage data resources
  2. Increase resource interoperability
  3. Engage with and provide guidance to community initiatives and end-users
  4. Plan for sustainability of developed solutions
  5. Build an ecosystem for new interlinked resources to grow

Euro BioImaging logo for foundingGIDE community event 2024
EMBL EBI logo for foundingGIDE community event 2024
CNR logo
German BioImaging Logo
global bioimaging logo
RIKEN logo
Microscopy Australia dark logo
foundingGIDE governance

The global coordination theme for data sharing among imaging infrastructures crucially underpins the FoundingGIDE project. Theme 1 covers the coordination of RI partners and strives to establish a strategy to work together. While targeting the global community, the project will cultivate connections to the European Research Area (ERA) and EOSC through EUROBIOIMAGING ERIC and the participating European data repositories. Key activities will include technical and community coordination events promoting regional developments on a global level.

Using conserved vocabularies and ontologies is an important step for sharing and querying image data. Rapidly developing, cross-domain, imaging technologies require a coordinated approach to ensure consistency in the field and across different image data repositories. Theme 2 will cover a landscape analysis of biological and preclinical imaging ontologies. Together with bioimaging domain experts, ontology developers, and data resource owners, recommendations will be made on a subset of ontologies to be implemented in the partner data resources. A strategy for maintenance of selected ontologies will be developed to ensure sustainability. Centralised coordination will foster commonalities between biological and preclinical imaging.

Ensuring image data compatibility across different resources involves integrating metadata effectively. While fully implementing a unified metadata schema exceeds this project’s scope, Theme 3 will establish a foundational set of common metadata sufficient to enable cross-resource search and discoverability. This common core will draw from key ontologies developed in Theme 2, existing resource schemas, and metadata schema like REMBI. These core metadata will support cross-resource search and discoverability in both biological and preclinical imaging, laying groundwork for broader alignment with the FoundingGIDE ecosystem.

FoundingGIDE’s metadata and ontology initiatives are foundational for a global image data ecosystem. Theme 4 will leverage Themes 1-3 to create proof-of-concept projects for metadata exchange between the BIA, IDR, SSBD, and AIS XNAT. A new data portal will allow cross-resource searches, enhancing open image data accessibility. These efforts, promoted via the EURO-BIOIMAGING Web Portal (EWP), will demonstrate the value of global coordination effort benefits and future possibilities.